President Duque on the Economy, Successful Naval Operations and More | Colombia and USA Work Together to Empower Women | Colombia Innovates Through the Pandemic | Ambassador Santos to Talk Trade on June 24th
Colombian President Iván Duque in the News
· On the resilience of the Colombian economy: “Colombia’s president bets on ‘speedy recovery’ after coronavirus shock” – Read more in the Financial Times (06/07/20)
· On how Colombia is fighting COVID-19: Faring better than other Latin American nations in its response to the pandemic “allows us to be optimistic, but not triumphalist.” Watch more of his Financial Times interview(06/0720)
· On the importance of international support for Juan Guaidó and democracy in Venezuela: “‘It hurts me to see analysts or opinion-makers judging Juan Guaidó as if we were watching a boxing match’ in which both Guaidó and Maduro were fighting under equal conditions. They are not ….” Read more in the Miami Herald (03/06/20)
· On the successful, 26-nation, 45-day Orion V naval operation: “[I]t allows us to reaffirm that the commitment to multilateralism in the fight against drug trafficking is fundamental.” Read more in Reuters(05/29/20)
Colombia and USA Work Together to Empower Women
· In a June 11 statement on empowering women to enhance peace and prosperity around the world, the Trump Administration recognized the role Colombia is playing as part of this global effort.
· “During a W-GDP [Women’s Global Development and Prosperity] delegation to Colombia, Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump announced a new WPS [the 2019 United States Strategy on Women, Peace, and Security] partnership with the Government of Colombia to foster deeper collaboration.
· In related news…
Colombian Vice President Marta Lucía Ramírez and International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva spoke recently protecting women and gender parity through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Colombia Innovates Through the Pandemic
· “Colombia's economy to grow at least 5% in 2021 – finance minister” – Reuters (06/08/20)
· “Colombia's Medellin boosts its 'eco-city' aims during coronavirus recovery” – World Economic Forum(06/03/20)
· “Private Planes Take to the Sky to Ferry Coronavirus Tests From Isolated Colombia” – Reuters, as published by The New York Times (06/08/20)
· “A Mayor Fights Covid-19 With Free Food as Colombia Faces Rising Toll” – Wall Street Journal (05/30/20)
· “How Colombia’s second-largest city is controlling the pandemic” – The Economist (06/04/20)
Next Up in the ‘Virtual Experiences’ Series:
Where Did Our Online Privacy Go?

We're spending more and more hours online. Whose spending that time with us? Is what we're doing "private," and what does "online privacy" even mean? Join our experts as they answer these questions and discuss how Colombian companies are innovating new ways to protect your privacy when you are online.
Wednesday June 17th at 6 pm ET: watch here
June 24th: Mark Your Calendars for a Global Supply Chains Discussion with Ambassador Santos
· Join Global Atlanta and Emory Executive Education, in partnership with ProColombia, for an online conversation with Ambassador of Colombia to the USA Francisco Santos on the Colombia’s advantages (and incentives) for potential investors in various sectors far beyond its traditional commodities like coffee, flowers and oil.
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