Colombian chefs, writers and musicians will talk about their experience with our diversity and multiculturalism
From different regions, and backgrounds they will show you how Colombia has been transformed over the past 200 years.
Experience with them from the comfort of your home, the amazing Colombia that you love .
Here are the links for each of the events.
Thrusday August 6th at 7 pm ET https://bit.ly/2XeJ6SR
Friday August 7th at 10 am ET https://bit.ly/2XsYzPp
Friday August 7th at 5 pm ET https://bit.ly/3378gGJ
THURSDAY August 6th: Andean and Amazon Regions
Visual Artist Jose Rosero: His work have been published in different magazines, newspapers and editorials, and he has exhibited in different spaces inside and outside Colombia. He has been recognized in Colombia, Italy, Mexico, Korea and the USA, and has given workshops and conferences based on his own research in eight countries.
Writer Andrea Cote: PhD in Latin American Literature from the University of Pennsylvania. She is the author of the poetry books Puerto Calcinado (2003), Cosas Frágiles, Chinatown, La ruina que nombre (2015) and A toda hora (Libro Objeto). He has also published the prose books Blanca Varela or The Writing of Solitude (2004) and A Naked Photographer: Biography of Tina Modotti (2005). She obtained the National Poetry Prize from the Externado de Colombia University (2003), the Puentes de Struga International Poetry Prize (2005) and the Cittá de Castrovillari Prize (2010) awarded by Porto in Cenere, Italian version of Calcinated Port.
Instituto Humboldt: The Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute is a non-profit civil corporation linked to the Colombian Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADS). The Institute was created in 1993 to served as the biodiversity research arm for the Environmental System (Sina). Within the framework of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, ratified by Colombia in 1994, the Humboldt Institute produces knowledge to assess the state of biodiversity in Colombia and to make sustainable decisions about it.
FRIDAY August 7th: Caribbean and Orinoquia Regions
Chef Charlie Otero: His passion for gastronomy comes from her grandmothers' kitchens in the Colombian Caribbean. His views have an anthropological perspective that relate to our indigenous diversity For his commitment to promote Colombian gastronomy he was nominated the Ibero-American Gastronomy Ambassador by the World Tourism Organization, the Ibero-American General Secretariat, the Royal Academy of Gastronomy and the Union of Capital Cities in 2019.
Singer Carolina Oliveros: Colombian singer and songwriter. She is part of the group Combo Chimbita, where she is the vocalist and plays the guacharaca. Combo Chimbita dominant rythms are Caribbean and Afro Latin but have also combined rock, experimentation, psychedelia and jazz in songs like "Esto es real" or "Brillo más que el oro". She has a special focus on Bullerengue and the fusion of new rhythms. Her music represents the Pacific and afrocolombian culture. Writer Jorge Franco: Professional in Literary Studies from Javeriana University and filmmaker from the London International Film School. He is the author of the novels Mala noche (1997), Rosario Tijeras (1999), Paraíso travel (2002), Melodrama (2006), Santa Suerte (2010), El mundo de Fuera (2014) and El cielo a tiros (2018) and from the storybook Maldito amor (1996). He has been awarded with the Pedro Gómez Valderrama National Narrative Prize (1996) for Maldito Amor, the Pereira City National Novel Prize (1997) for Mala Noche, the Dashiel Hammet Prize (2000) for Rosario Tijeras and the Alfaguara Novel Prize (2014) for El mundo de Fuera
FRIDAY August 7th: Pacific Region
Dance Company Ensálsate: The Ensálsate Foundation was created to generate spaces for young professionals with limited resources. Since 2012 Ensálsate has created high quiality shows that include Colombian salsa performances accompanied by a live band. Ensalsate shows are the translation to dance of Cali Colombian soul.
Chef Rey Guerrero: His parents are from Buenaventura. He studied tourism and hotel administration technology at the Instituto de Educación Empresarial I.D.E.E, in Cali, and graduated in June 1994 as a Hotel Administrator with a specialization in gastronomy. His cuisine brings the Colombian Pacific flavors and culture to live.
Writer and Poet Celso Román: Professional in Veterinary Medicine, Master in Sculpture from the National University of Colombia and graduated from the Pratt Institute. Published The Friends of Man, The Piratic Fantastic Ship, The Things of the House, The Wonderful Journey of Rosendo Bucurú and Of Whales and Seas. He has been recognized with the Latin American Prize for Children's and Youth Literature Norma-Fundalectura (1998) for The Empire of the Five Moons; the Netzahualcoyotl Prize for Latin American Literature for Children (1982), the first prize in the Enka National Children's Literature Contest (1979) for Los amigos del hombre and the first prize in the Universidad del Tolima Story Book Contest (1977) for Short Stories for Little Fun Times.